A perfect day for the Transit of Mercury, full sunshine all day with a light breeze, the Cloud God must have been on his hols.
We started at 11:45am at Austerfield getting both domes ready, the small one with the 80ED and a white light filter and the big dome with the PST, both worked well, some prominences seen and a couple of sun spots. Then the planet broke the edge of the sun and we were only just ready. We all saw it as it progressed across the sun's face as did  the staff at Austerfield. We were Max, Rhys, Paul and Elaine and Sandra.
After an hour or so we closed down both domes and collected the kit for the next phase, a trip to Clock Corner in the middle of Doncaster. We packed the SolarMax70, the PST, a tripod, a manual mount and a couple of chairs into Paul's car, then down to the nearby unloading bay, unloaded and carried the gear a 100M walk to the site. Photographs on both locations by Paul Booker of Wong.







We're looking at Mercury and he's looking at us from on high